Friday, October 28, 2011

New Blog!

Hello to my fellow Blogers and Crafters. I have been meaning to start this blog since August when I signed up to be a Stampin Up! Demonstrator but do to life and me not making the time it has taken me this long to get the ball rolling. So here it is my STAMPING UP! BLOG. I will be posting pics of projects I make, Workshops that I will be hosting, and possible funny stories that happen to me in everyday life. 

I recently attended SU (short for Stampin Up!) Regionals in Abq NM on Oct 22nd and my creative juices are flowing! To keep them going they provided some creative challenges which I will be blogging the month of November. I will making a creative journal with these challenges and I hope that you will play a log to be creative and make your own creative journal. 

That is all for now and I do hope that you stay tuned for all of the great stuff I have planned and all of the Creative Ideas I will be sending your way!

Always be Creative~Krystal